Include following code in your PHP file to start sending messages.
define("SERVER", "");
define("USE_SPECIFIED", 0);
define("USE_ALL_DEVICES", 1);
define("USE_ALL_SIMS", 2);
* @param string $number The mobile number where you want to send message.
* @param string $message The message you want to send.
* @param int|string $device The ID of a device you want to use to send this message.
* @param int $schedule Set it to timestamp when you want to send this message.
* @param bool $isMMS Set it to true if you want to send MMS message instead of SMS.
* @param string $attachments Comma separated list of image links you want to attach to the message. Only works for MMS messages.
* @return array Returns The array containing information about the message.
* @throws Exception If there is an error while sending a message.
function sendSingleMessage($number, $message, $device = 0, $schedule = null, $isMMS = false, $attachments = null)
$url = SERVER . "/services/send.php";
$postData = array(
'number' => $number,
'message' => $message,
'schedule' => $schedule,
'key' => API_KEY,
'devices' => $device,
'type' => $isMMS ? "mms" : "sms",
'attachments' => $attachments
return sendRequest($url, $postData)["messages"][0];
* @param array $messages The array containing numbers and messages.
* @param int $option Set this to USE_SPECIFIED if you want to use devices and SIMs specified in devices argument.
* Set this to USE_ALL_DEVICES if you want to use all available devices and their default SIM to send messages.
* Set this to USE_ALL_SIMS if you want to use all available devices and all their SIMs to send messages.
* @param array $devices The array of ID of devices you want to use to send these messages.
* @param int $schedule Set it to timestamp when you want to send these messages.
* @param bool $useRandomDevice Set it to true if you want to send messages using only one random device from selected devices.
* @return array Returns The array containing messages.
* For example :-
* [
* 0 => [
* "ID" => "1",
* "number" => "+11234567890",
* "message" => "This is a test message.",
* "deviceID" => "1",
* "simSlot" => "0",
* "userID" => "1",
* "status" => "Pending",
* "type" => "sms",
* "attachments" => null,
* "sentDate" => "2018-10-20T00:00:00+02:00",
* "deliveredDate" => null
* "groupID" => ")V5LxqyBMEbQrl9*J$5bb4c03e8a07b7.62193871"
* ]
* ]
* @throws Exception If there is an error while sending messages.
function sendMessages($messages, $option = USE_SPECIFIED, $devices = [], $schedule = null, $useRandomDevice = false)
$url = SERVER . "/services/send.php";
$postData = [
'messages' => json_encode($messages),
'schedule' => $schedule,
'key' => API_KEY,
'devices' => json_encode($devices),
'option' => $option,
'useRandomDevice' => $useRandomDevice
return sendRequest($url, $postData)["messages"];
* @param int $listID The ID of the contacts list where you want to send this message.
* @param string $message The message you want to send.
* @param int $option Set this to USE_SPECIFIED if you want to use devices and SIMs specified in devices argument.
* Set this to USE_ALL_DEVICES if you want to use all available devices and their default SIM to send messages.
* Set this to USE_ALL_SIMS if you want to use all available devices and all their SIMs to send messages.
* @param array $devices The array of ID of devices you want to use to send the message.
* @param int $schedule Set it to timestamp when you want to send this message.
* @param bool $isMMS Set it to true if you want to send MMS message instead of SMS.
* @param string $attachments Comma separated list of image links you want to attach to the message. Only works for MMS messages.
* @return array Returns The array containing messages.
* @throws Exception If there is an error while sending messages.
function sendMessageToContactsList($listID, $message, $option = USE_SPECIFIED, $devices = [], $schedule = null, $isMMS = false, $attachments = null)
$url = SERVER . "/services/send.php";
$postData = [
'listID' => $listID,
'message' => $message,
'schedule' => $schedule,
'key' => API_KEY,
'devices' => json_encode($devices),
'option' => $option,
'type' => $isMMS ? "mms" : "sms",
'attachments' => $attachments
return sendRequest($url, $postData)["messages"];
* @param int $id The ID of a message you want to retrieve.
* @return array The array containing a message.
* @throws Exception If there is an error while getting a message.
function getMessageByID($id)
$url = SERVER . "/services/read-messages.php";
$postData = [
'key' => API_KEY,
'id' => $id
return sendRequest($url, $postData)["messages"][0];
* @param string $groupID The group ID of messages you want to retrieve.
* @return array The array containing messages.
* @throws Exception If there is an error while getting messages.
function getMessagesByGroupID($groupID)
$url = SERVER . "/services/read-messages.php";
$postData = [
'key' => API_KEY,
'groupId' => $groupID
return sendRequest($url, $postData)["messages"];
* @param string $status The status of messages you want to retrieve.
* @param int $startTimestamp Search for messages sent or received after this time.
* @param int $endTimestamp Search for messages sent or received before this time.
* @return array The array containing messages.
* @throws Exception If there is an error while getting messages.
function getMessagesByStatus($status, $startTimestamp = null, $endTimestamp = null)
$url = SERVER . "/services/read-messages.php";
$postData = [
'key' => API_KEY,
'status' => $status,
'startTimestamp' => $startTimestamp,
'endTimestamp' => $endTimestamp
return sendRequest($url, $postData)["messages"];
* @param int $id The ID of a message you want to resend.
* @return array The array containing a message.
* @throws Exception If there is an error while resending a message.
function resendMessageByID($id)
$url = SERVER . "/services/resend.php";
$postData = [
'key' => API_KEY,
'id' => $id
return sendRequest($url, $postData)["messages"][0];
* @param string $groupID The group ID of messages you want to resend.
* @param string $status The status of messages you want to resend.
* @return array The array containing messages.
* @throws Exception If there is an error while resending messages.
function resendMessagesByGroupID($groupID, $status = null)
$url = SERVER . "/services/resend.php";
$postData = [
'key' => API_KEY,
'groupId' => $groupID,
'status' => $status
return sendRequest($url, $postData)["messages"];
* @param string $status The status of messages you want to retrieve.
* @param int $startTimestamp Resend messages sent or received after this time.
* @param int $endTimestamp Resend messages sent or received before this time.
* @return array The array containing messages.
* @throws Exception If there is an error while resending messages.
function resendMessagesByStatus($status, $startTimestamp = null, $endTimestamp = null)
$url = SERVER . "/services/resend.php";
$postData = [
'key' => API_KEY,
'status' => $status,
'startTimestamp' => $startTimestamp,
'endTimestamp' => $endTimestamp
return sendRequest($url, $postData)["messages"];
* @param int $listID The ID of the contacts list where you want to add this contact.
* @param string $number The mobile number of the contact.
* @param string $name The name of the contact.
* @param bool $resubscribe Set it to true if you want to resubscribe this contact if it already exists.
* @return array The array containing a newly added contact.
* @throws Exception If there is an error while adding a new contact.
function addContact($listID, $number, $name = null, $resubscribe = false)
$url = SERVER . "/services/manage-contacts.php";
$postData = [
'key' => API_KEY,
'listID' => $listID,
'number' => $number,
'name' => $name,
'resubscribe' => $resubscribe
return sendRequest($url, $postData)["contact"];
* @param int $listID The ID of the contacts list from which you want to unsubscribe this contact.
* @param string $number The mobile number of the contact.
* @return array The array containing the unsubscribed contact.
* @throws Exception If there is an error while setting subscription to false.
function unsubscribeContact($listID, $number)
$url = SERVER . "/services/manage-contacts.php";
$postData = [
'key' => API_KEY,
'listID' => $listID,
'number' => $number,
'unsubscribe' => true
return sendRequest($url, $postData)["contact"];
* @return string The amount of message credits left.
* @throws Exception If there is an error while getting message credits.
function getBalance()
$url = SERVER . "/services/send.php";
$postData = [
'key' => API_KEY
$credits = sendRequest($url, $postData)["credits"];
return is_null($credits) ? "Unlimited" : $credits;
function sendRequest($url, $postData)
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($postData));
$response = curl_exec($ch);
$httpCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
if (curl_errno($ch)) {
throw new Exception(curl_error($ch));
if ($httpCode == 200) {
$json = json_decode($response, true);
if ($json == false) {
if (empty($response)) {
throw new Exception("Missing data in request. Please provide all the required information to send messages.");
} else {
throw new Exception($response);
} else {
if ($json["success"]) {
return $json["data"];
} else {
throw new Exception($json["error"]["message"]);
} else {
throw new Exception("HTTP Error Code : {$httpCode}");
Send Single Message
try {
// Send a message using the primary device.
$msg = sendSingleMessage("+11234567890", "This is a test of single message.");
// Send a message using the Device ID 1.
$msg = sendSingleMessage("+11234567890", "This is a test of single message.", 1);
// Send a MMS message with image using the Device ID 1.
$attachments = ",";
$msg = sendSingleMessage("+11234567890", "This is a test of single message.", 1, null, true, $attachments);
// Send a message using the SIM in slot 1 of Device ID 1 (Represented as "1|0").
// SIM slot is an index so the index of the first SIM is 0 and the index of the second SIM is 1.
// In this example, 1 represents Device ID and 0 represents SIM slot index.
$msg = sendSingleMessage("+11234567890", "This is a test of single message.", "1|0");
// Send scheduled message using the primary device.
$msg = sendSingleMessage("+11234567890", "This is a test of schedule feature.", null, strtotime("+2 minutes"));
echo "Successfully sent a message.";
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
Send Bulk Messages
$messages = array();
for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
"number" => "+11234567890",
"message" => "This is a test #{$i} of PHP version. Testing bulk message functionality."
try {
// Send messages using the primary device.
// Send messages using default SIM of all available devices. Messages will be split between all devices.
sendMessages($messages, USE_ALL_DEVICES);
// Send messages using all SIMs of all available devices. Messages will be split between all SIMs.
sendMessages($messages, USE_ALL_SIMS);
// Send messages using only specified devices. Messages will be split between devices or SIMs you specified.
// If you send 12 messages using this code then 4 messages will be sent by Device ID 1, other 4 by SIM in slot 1 of
// Device ID 2 (Represendted as "2|0") and remaining 4 by SIM in slot 2 of Device ID 2 (Represendted as "2|1").
sendMessages($messages, USE_SPECIFIED, [1, "2|0", "2|1"]);
// Send messages on schedule using the primary device.
sendMessages($messages, null, null, strtotime("+2 minutes"));
// Send a message to contacts in contacts list with ID of 1.
sendMessageToContactsList(1, "Test", USE_SPECIFIED, 1);
// Send a message on schedule to contacts in contacts list with ID of 1.
sendMessageToContactsList(1, "Test", null, null, strtotime("+2 minutes"));
// Array of image links to attach to MMS message;
$attachments = [
$attachments = implode(',', $attachments);
$mmsMessages = [];
for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
"number" => "+11234567890",
"message" => "This is a test #{$i} of PHP version. Testing bulk MMS message functionality.",
"type" => "mms",
"attachments" => $attachments
// Send MMS messages using all SIMs of all available devices. Messages will be split between all SIMs.
$msgs = sendMessages($mmsMessages, USE_ALL_SIMS);
echo "Successfully sent bulk messages.";
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
Get remaining message credits
try {
$credits = getBalance();
echo "Message Credits Remaining: {$credits}";
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
Get messages and their current status
try {
// Get a message using the ID.
$msg = getMessageByID(1);
// Get messages using the Group ID.
$msgs = getMessagesByGroupID('V5LxqyBMEbQrl9*J$5bb4c03e8a07b7.62193871');
// Get messages received in last 24 hours.
$msgs = getMessagesByStatus("Received", time() - 86400);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
Resend messages
try {
// Resend a message using the ID.
$msg = resendMessageByID(1);
// Get messages using the Group ID and Status.
$msgs = resendMessagesByGroupID('LV5LxqyBMEbQrl9*J$5bb4c03e8a07b7.62193871', 'Failed');
// Resend pending messages in last 24 hours.
$msgs = resendMessagesByStatus("Pending", time() - 86400);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
Manage Contacts
try {
// Add a new contact to contacts list 1 or resubscribe the contact if it already exists.
$contact = addContact(1, "+11234567890", "Test", true);
// Unsubscribe a contact using the mobile number.
$contact = unsubscribeContact(1, "+11234567890");
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();